“Hi” at the moment Freya, Eva, Jaylin and Sage have been doing a task called our learning challenge when you get to chose a task to work on for about seven weeks.
What have we been learning about???
would put things on that represented something to do with your culture like on Freya's she had candles around her head.
Now let's have a look at Eva's dress firstFreya, Jaylin and Eva have agreed that we would make costumes that represent our culture Freya chose to learn about sweden and Jaylin chose to learn about aotearoa and Eva chose to learn about tongan. So we all worked together to finish our costumes. When we were making our dresses we we are going to start looking at the bottom of the dress.
she has put the blue sea with fish and turtles and caves which you can go hiking and swim with dolphins and whales like these photos right
here are some photos of the fish and turtles right here⬇️
If you want to see more click on this link and watch a video!
.Now let's talk about sages dress!
This dress has a resemblance of the dresses the women or children wore when they were crossing the plains. The under dress usually had a sort of pattern which in this case is flowers. The apron was just part of the dress I guess because they must have had to do a lot of cooking. I decided to put an American flag with an
eagle because the Utah flag has an eagle with the American flag draped over it.
Let's look at Freya's dress now She has made her background of her dress blue because in Sweden the flag is blue and yellow like this photo⬇️
Saint Lucia's tradition in Sweden, celebrated every Dec. 13, involves wearing a crown
Press this link then press these words, christmas in sweden!
And it will tell you all about it.
Now let's get this story finished she walked around and lit sweden up by teaching everybody how to make fire, so that’s the story of lucia.
Freya also had some snowflakes on her arm and pearls which represents the snow in sweden because when its winter its snows a lot!!!! And i forgot that i had some blue exactly the same colour as on the flag i shood you and it hanged down. Freya has finished with the explaining.
This was by Freya, Eva, Sage, and Jaylin!!!!!!